anime Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Sevens (Dub)

Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Sevens (Dub)

Plot Summary: The anime will have a new "Rush Duel" rule. The story takes place in the future in the town of Gouha. Yuuga Oudou, a fifth-grade student, loves both inventions and dueling. His classmate Luke is a self-styled "number one duelist at Gouha 7 Elementary School." Gakuto is the school's student council president, and Romin is Yuuga's classmate. (Source: Anime News Network)

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Type: Spring 2020 Anime

Genre: Action, Fantasy, Shounen, Strategy Game

Ranked: 7759

Popularity: 6433

Score: 6.59

Age: +16

Released: 2020

Episodes: 89

Status: Ongoing

Other name: Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens, 遊☆戯☆王 SEVENS

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