anime Yozakura-san Chi no Daisakusen (Dub)

Yozakura-san Chi no Daisakusen (Dub)

Plot Summary: A family far from ordinary?! High schooler Taiyo Asano, the 'Ultimate Introvert', lost his family in a tragic accident. The only one he could speak to is his childhood friend, Mutsumi Yozakura who harbors a wild secret as the heir to a spy lineage. Her brother, Kyoichiro, a skilled spy, targets Taiyo. To save themselves, Taiyo agrees to marry Mutsumi and join the Yozakura family, embarking on an unprecedented mission! (Source: Hulu)

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Type: Spring 2024 Anime

Genre: Action, Comedy, Shounen

Ranked: 2573

Popularity: 5200

Score: 7.44

Age: Teens 13 or Older

Released: 2024

Episodes: 13

Status: Ongoing

Other name: 夜桜さんちの大作戦 Mission: Yozakura Family Mission of Yozakura family

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