With a Sword Domain, I Can Become the Sword Saint
Plot Summary: In an Edo-era Japan lush with a variety of sword-fighting styles, Shichika Yasuri practices the most unique one: Kyotouryuu, a technique in which the user's own body is wielded as a blade. The enigmatic seventh head of the Kyotouryuu school, Shichika lives quietly in exile with his sister Nanami until one day—the wildly ambitious strategist Togame barges into their lives. Togame brazenly requests that Shichika help in her mission to collect twelve unique swords, known as the "Deviant Blades," for the shogunate. Shichika accepts, interested in the girl herself rather than petty politics, and thus sets out on a journey. Standing in their way are the fierce wielders of these legendary weapons as well as other power-hungry entities who seek to thwart Togame's objective. In order to prevail against their enemies, the duo must become an unbreakable team as they forge ahead on a path of uncertainty and peril. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Type: ONA
Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Shounen
Ranked: 432
Popularity: 253
Score: 8.15
Age: 17+ (violence & profanity)
Released: 2023
Episodes: 53
Status: Ongoing
Other name: Kai Ju You Jian Yu, Wo Neng Gou Cheng Jian Shen, Kāi Jú Yǒu Jiàn Yù, Wǒ Néng Gǒu Chéng Jiàn Shén, Starting With Having a Sword Domain, a Dog Like Me Can Become the Sword God, With a Sword Domain, I Can Become the Sword Saint, 开局有剑域,我能苟成剑神