anime Totsukuni no Shoujo (2022) (Dub)

Totsukuni no Shoujo (2022) (Dub)

Plot Summary: In a world split between two realms, its habitants were told never to cross to the other side, lest they be cursed. A little girl from the inner land named Shiva and a demon from the outer land simply known as “Teacher” initiate a quiet coexistence on the same side of the forest. But when Shiva leaves Teacher’s care to seek out her grandmother, their secret comes to light. (Source: Crunchyroll) Note: Originally released as a movie-length OVA. As streaming on Crunchyroll, it is split into 3 ‘normal’ length episodes.

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Type: OVA

Genre: Dub, Shounen, Supernatural

Ranked: 1734

Popularity: 4103

Score: 7.64

Age: Teens 13 or older

Released: 2022

Episodes: 3

Status: Completed

Other name: The Girl From the Other Side, Siúil, a Rún OVA, Totsukuni no Shoujo OAD, とつくにの少女

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