The Strongest Son-in-law’s Roaming Journey
Plot Summary: The second season of Baki Hanma: Son of Ogre. In Hanma Baki’s first season, the fighter Baki — the strongest high schooler in the land — trained in a prison against fellow inmates, defeating a giant praying mantis and formidable opponents like Biscuit “Mr. Unchained” Oliva and Jun “Mr. Second” Guevaru. Now, Baki is back and gearing up to battle Pickle, a perfectly preserved prehistoric man so powerful, he once preyed on dinosaurs. If Baki can take down Pickle, his final matchup will be with his all-powerful father, Yujiro Hanma. (Source: Netflix)
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Type: ONA
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Martial Arts, Romance, Shounen
Ranked: 498
Popularity: 4853
Score: 8.12
Age: +16
Released: 2023
Episodes: 1
Status: Ongoing
Other name: The Strongest Son-in-law's Roaming Journey, The Strongest Prince Consort’s Journey, 最强驸马逍遥游,The most powerful prince-in-law's escape, The Mightiest Horse Lord in Chaos Realms