The Strongest Seal Master
Plot Summary: Haru Shirogane is a weak-minded person who is constantly bullied while Taiga has traveled from across the sea in hopes of becoming the strongest man in the world. One night, the two meet up with Shun Kamiya, the strongest XB (Extreme Baseball) player, and leader of the Minato Tribe. When they meet, each of the Tribes scattered throughout Neo-Tokyo are about to face a major threat. On the orders of the King of Neo-Tokyo, "Houtenshin", the Chiyoda Try, led by the mysterious Ojiro Otori, has started to take control of all the tribes in the country. Their evil clutches are about to reach the Minato Tribe... (Source: MyAnimeList)
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Type: ONA
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Harem, Mecha
Ranked: 10467
Popularity: 4874
Score: 6.12
Age: Teens 13 or older
Released: 2022
Episodes: 40
Status: Ongoing
Other name: Sign the seal card at the beginning, Opening Sign-in Seal Card, 开局签到超神封印卡, 新漫来咯, 开局签到封印