The Strongest Physical Training Ancestor In History
Plot Summary: The adventures of super-boy. In the 21st century, a human boy is raised on the Planet Soran, home of one of the most advanced civilization in the Galactic Federation. The planet has the gravity 15 times stronger than Earth. People of Soran changed the boy into a cyborg so that he can live on the planet. Years later the boy returns to Earth. He calls himself Soran. On Earth, his physical ability is 15 times superior to normal humans. He uses the power for justice. (Source: AniDB)
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Type: ONA
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Harem, Historical, Martial Arts, Shounen
Ranked: Not ranked yet
Popularity: 18754
Score: 0.00
Age: None
Released: 2023
Episodes: 52
Status: Ongoing
Other name: The Grandmaster of Body Cultivation, Shi Shang Zui Qiang Lian Ti Lao Zu, Shǐ Shàng Zuì Qiáng Liàn Tǐ Lǎo Zǔ, The Strongest Body Refiner in History, The Strongest Grandmaster of Body-Strengthening Cultivation, The Unyielding Ancient Cultivator, 史上最強の老祖, 史上