The New Batman Adventures Season 2
Plot Summary: It takes place far in the future, years after Batman appeared for the last time. Terry McGinnis rekindles the fire in Bruce Wayne's bitter old heart, and takes up the role as the new Dark Knight - with the old one as his mentor. With a new ruler of Gotham City, Derek Powers, crime is at an all-time high. After Terry finds out Bruce's secret and his father is killed, Terry becomes the new Batman. He has to juggle life being a superhero, and being a high school student. He's a more high-tech Batman, with rocket boots and cloaks. He's the Knight of Tomorrow.
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Type: TV Series
Genre: Action, Adventure, Crime, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Ranked: 746
Popularity: 3078
Score: 8.00
Age: Teens 13 or older
Released: 1998
Episodes: 11
Status: Completed
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