anime The Making of a Miraculous Doctor

The Making of a Miraculous Doctor

Plot Summary: Perfect Blue revolves around the main protagonist, Mima Kirigoe, a member of a pop idol group named “CHAM!”. After evaluating her situation, she decides to give up her idol status to pursue a career as an actress, what she believes to be the next step in making a name for herself in the industry. However, one of her most hardcore fans, Me-Mania, is less than happy about the path she has decided to take. Now reborn as an actress, Mima accepts an interesting role, ignoring her manager, Rumi Hidaka's reservations about it. While on set, strange things begin to happen to people who are involved with the film. As time goes on, Mima begins to break down mentally, struggling to distinguish fantasy from reality. Will Mima be able to escape the grip of her stalker and turn in a break out performance, or will she descend into madness?

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Type: CM

Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Historical, Slice of Life

Ranked: 281

Popularity: 273

Score: 8.20

Age: Mild Nudity

Released: 2023

Episodes: 16

Status: Ongoing

Other name: The Making of a Miraculous Doctor, Bác sĩ Lăng Nhiên, Da Yi Lingran, Dr. Ling Ran, Great Doctor Ling Ran, The Rise of the Prodigy Surgeon, Đại Y Lăng Nhiên, 大医凌然, 最上の外科医~Dr.鳴宮〜, 最上の外科医~Dr鳴宮〜, 레벨업에 미친 의사

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