anime The Calamity of the End Times

The Calamity of the End Times

Plot Summary: A series of animated shorts centered on the fictional polar bear and main character of the same name. Each three-minute episode focuses on the bear's curiosity and have many moments of slapstick. Bernard never speaks with the exception of unintelligible noises. Bernard is accompanied in the cartoons by a few other characters: Lloyd and Eva the penguins, Zack the lizard, Goliat(h) the chihuahua, Sam the baby, Pilot the dog, Pokey the porcupine and Santa Claus. He usually gets knocked unconscious or severely injured at the end of an episode, due to some calamity caused by his bumbling. (Source: Wikipedia)

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Type: CM

Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Shounen, Supernatural

Ranked: 9807

Popularity: 11619

Score: 6.25

Age: All Ages

Released: 2024

Episodes: 1

Status: Ongoing

Other name: Mori Zaibian Chongsheng De Wo Rang Quanjia Bian Chengle Da Lao!, Doomsday Catastrophe Reborn Me Turned the Whole Family into Bosses!, Mòrì Zāibiàn Chóngshēng De Wǒ Ràng Quánjiā Biàn Chéngle Dà Lǎo!, The Calamity of the End Times, The Catastrophe of the Ap

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