anime Supreme Heaven Deity

Supreme Heaven Deity

Plot Summary: Long ago there was a war in Heaven which resulted in Judas and Luca – two of the six specially-chosen, talented and strong Saint Beasts – being cast out and imprisoned in Hell for leading the rebellion. But before that Heaven had been a peaceful place where the angels happily lived their lives. In this time, Judas, Luca, Goh, Shin, Rey and Gai are adolescent angels in Heaven who, on the day of Benediction, are made into adults by the supreme god Zeus. With each of the six having their own special abilities and new adult bodies to get used to, opportunities to meet each other arise and new friendships are formed. (Source: Anivide)

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Type: CM

Genre: Action, Adventure, Cultivation, Fantasy

Ranked: 8024

Popularity: 9421

Score: 6.55

Age: Teens 13 or older

Released: 2024

Episodes: 17

Status: Ongoing

Other name: Supreme Heaven Deity, Supreme Magic Emperor: The Useless One, Supreme God Tian, 神天至尊

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