Steel Angel Kurumi 2 (Dub)
Plot Summary: Taking place 75 years after the first series, Steel Angel Kurumi 2 brings the Steel Angels in a new mis-adventure. High school student and aspiring cellist Nako Kagura accidentally discovers and kisses Kurumi Mk. II at her home, thus making her Kurumi's master. But things go awry as Nako's best friend Uruka gets jealous and tries anything - including her father's army of top-secret mecha - to destroy Kurumi and win back Nako. Things get more out of control when Saki Mk. II is awakened by Uruka, and Karinka Mk. II joins in to steal Nako away from Kurumi. (Source: ANN)
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Type: TV Series
Genre: Comedy, Mecha, Romance, Sci-Fi, Shoujo Ai, Shounen
Ranked: 9817
Popularity: 5724
Score: 6.27
Age: Mild Nudity
Released: 2001
Episodes: 12
Status: Completed
Other name: Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi 2, 鋼鉄天使くるみ2式