anime Shoushimin Series

Shoushimin Series

Plot Summary: Kobato decides to become an honest, humble citizen after enduring a bitter experience known as “wisdom work.” He forms a pact with Osanai, his classmate with the same goal, and they plan to enter high school leading quiet lives. But for some reason, inexplicable events and disasters keep happening around them. Will Kobato and Osanai ever manage to live ordinary, peaceful lives? (Source: Crunchyroll)

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Type: Summer 2024 Anime

Genre: Mystery, School

Ranked: 3534

Popularity: 6386

Score: 7.25

Age: Teens 13 or Older

Released: 2024

Episodes: 10

Status: Ongoing

Other name: Shoshimin: How to Become Ordinary, 小市民シリーズ

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