Servamp (Dub)
Plot Summary: In a Holy Grail War, Mages (Masters) and their Heroic Spirits (Servants) fight for the control of the Holy Grail—an omnipotent wish-granting device said to fulfill any desire. Years have passed since the end of the Fifth Holy Grail War in Japan. Now, signs portend the emergence of a new Holy Grail in the western American city of Snowfield. Sure enough, Masters and Servants begin to gather... A missing Servant class... Impossible Servant summonings... A nation shrouded in secrecy... And a city created as a battleground. In the face of such irregularities, the Holy Grail War is twisted and driven into the depth of madness. Let the curtain rise on a masquerade of humans and heroes, made to dance upon the stage of a false Holy Grail. This is a Holy Grail War covered in lies. (Source: Official Site, Aniplex USA, edited) Notes: • Special premiere of Episode 1 in its English Dub occurred in Los Angeles at the Fate 20th Anniversary Showcase event and as well through Crunchyroll’s YouTube Channel on November 23, 2024 before the Japanese television premiere. • The Japanese advanced premiere occurred during the "Fate New Year's Eve TV Special 2024" on December 31, 2024.
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Type: Summer 2016 Anime
Genre: Action, Comedy, Shoujo, Supernatural, Vampire
Ranked: Not ranked yet
Popularity: 7584
Score: 0.00
Age: +16
Released: 2016
Episodes: 12
Status: Completed
Other name: SERVAMP(サーヴァンプ)