anime Sentai Daishikkaku (Dub)

Sentai Daishikkaku (Dub)

Plot Summary: When the Monster Army invaded Earth thirteen years ago, the Divine Dragon Rangers rose up to stop them! With the war raging on, these great heroes are mankind’s last hope! ...or are they? In truth, the invaders were subjugated within a year, forced to continue to crank out a monster a week for the Rangers to crush in front of their adoring fans! But one monster has had enough. Something has to change! He’ll rebel against the might of the Dragon Rangers and destroy them all...from the inside! (Source: Kodansha USA)

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Type: Spring 2024 Anime

Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Shounen

Ranked: 2211

Popularity: 4318

Score: 7.51

Age: Teens 13 or Older

Released: 2024

Episodes: 12

Status: Ongoing

Other name: Ranger Reject, 戦隊大失格, Go! Go! Loser Ranger!

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