anime Seed of the Abyss

Seed of the Abyss

Plot Summary: The adventurers challenge the unknown, as the frenzy of the Gods reaches its peak.Orario, the labyrinth city, and the most exciting place in the world. At its center sits an abyss filled with chaos, treasure, and glory: the “Dungeon”. And in the depths of that abyss, a new monster is born.“Where… am I?”The labyrinth city is in an uproar over something it’s never seen before: a dragon girl that speaks human language. Man and monster. Old values and ways of thinking are destroyed, as the time comes for adventurer Bell Cranel and the goddess Hestia to make a decision. The story of a boy challenging the mysteries of the Dungeon, as written by a goddess, will be told… Their Familia Myth.(Source: Hakuhodo DY Music & Pictures)

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Type: CM

Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen

Ranked: 1855

Popularity: 911

Score: 7.60

Age: Teens 13 or older

Released: 2024

Episodes: 4

Status: Ongoing

Other name: Shen Yuan Zhi Zhong, Seed of the Abyss, Shēn Yuān Zhī Zhǒng, The Abyssal Seed, The Book of Abyss, The Seeds of the Abyss, 深淵の書, 深渊之种

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