Oooku (Dub)
Plot Summary: In Edo period Japan (1603 to 1868), a strange new disease called the Redface Pox has begun to prey on the country's men. Within eighty years of the first outbreak, the male population has fallen to a quarter of the total female population. Women have taken on all the roles traditionally granted to men, even that of the Shogun. The men, precious providers of life, are carefully protected and the most beautiful of the men are sent to serve in the Shogun's Inner Chambers. (Source: VIZ Media)
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Type: ONA
Genre: Dub, Historical, Shoujo
Ranked: 3086
Popularity: 6905
Score: 7.33
Age: Teens 13 or Older
Released: 2023
Episodes: 10
Status: Completed
Other name: 大奥 Ōoku Oooku: The Inner Chambers Ōoku: The Inner Chambers Le Pavillon des hommes Ōoku: Los aposentos privados Ooku: Los aposentos Ooku - Le stanze proibite