Net-juu no Susume (Dub)
Plot Summary: Moriko Morioka is a 30-year-old single NEET woman. After dropping out from reality, she has taken off in search for a fulfilling life and ended up in a net game or "netoge." In the netoge world, she began her new life as a refreshing and handsome character named Hayashi. While starting out as a beginner, a pretty character named Lily reached out to help her. Meanwhile, in the real world, awaits a shocking encounter with a good-looking elite company employee, a mysterious blue-eyed blonde. (Source: MAL News)
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Type: Fall 2017 Anime
Genre: Comedy, Game
Ranked: 1499
Popularity: 487
Score: 7.71
Age: Teens 13 or older
Released: 2017
Episodes: 11
Status: Completed
Other name: Recovery of an MMO Junkie, ネト充のススメ