anime My Seven Sisters Are Unparalleled

My Seven Sisters Are Unparalleled

Plot Summary: Follow the adventures of Satsuki and her four-year-old sister Mei when they move into a new home in the countryside. To their delight they discover that their new neighbor is a mysterious forest spirit called Totoro who can be seen only through the eyes of a child. Totoro introduces them to extraordinary characters, including a cat that doubles as a bus, takes them on a journey through the wonders of nature. (Source: Disney)

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Type: ONA

Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Harem, Shounen

Ranked: 143

Popularity: 56

Score: 8.22

Age: All Ages

Released: 2024

Episodes: 8

Status: Ongoing

Other name: Wo Qi Ge Jiejie Jueshi Wushuang, My Seven Sisters Are Peerless, My Seven Sisters Are Unparalleled, Wǒ Qī Gè Jiějiě Juéshì Wúshuāng, 我七个姐姐绝世无双

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