anime Moon Slayer

Moon Slayer

Plot Summary: Qiao Jingting, having unexpectedly enter the abyss game to avoid enslavement, forms an alliance with the vengeful veteran player Shu Ai and the mysterious youth Bai Er against the evil ruler Han Bin and his organization, Heart Moon Fox. After a life-and-death struggle, just when they believe they are about to achieve victory, they discover they have fallen into Han Bin's trap, facing a desperate situation. Even more frightening is that with this failure, the trust among the three quickly collapses. In a critical moment, the arrival of the super expert and rough man Zou Yidao changes the power dynamics in the entire novice village and brings a glimmer of hope for escape to Qiao Jingting and his companions. Unfortunately, the trio soon realizes that Zou Yidao, who managed to escape the crisis, seems to lack a clear sense of good and evil compared to Han Bin and only cares about his own goals. Moreover, at this moment, he seems to have reached some kind of "deal" with Han Bin. In the increasing despair, Qiao Jingting and his companions keenly perceive the true nature hidden beneath Zou Yidao's "playful" appearance, and through this, they sense the irreconcilable contradictions between Han Bin and Zou Yidao. Seizing the opportunity, they unite with Zou Yidao and ultimately defeat Han Bin. However, what Qiao Jingting and the others never expected is that just as they leave the novice village ready to showcase their abilities, they encounter a series of threats in the outside world far more formidable than those brought by the once powerful Han Bin, posing an unknown multiple of enormous crises. (Source: iQ)

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Type: CM

Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Shounen, Supernatural

Ranked: Not ranked yet

Popularity: 21523

Score: 0.00

Age: +16

Released: 2024

Episodes: 5

Status: Ongoing

Other name: Zhan Yue, Moon Chopping, Moon Slayer, Reborn as a Skeleton, Zhǎn Yuè, 斩月, 血月の死神〜最強のボスを目指して〜

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