anime Moffun to Issho

Moffun to Issho

Plot Summary: This series is about the cryptid hunter, Panpy. He goes out searching for a legendary yeti in the snowy mountains. There he meets the yeti, Moffun, who takes him to the Mofu Village. The story revolves around Panpy's adventures with Moffun in the village. A spin-off to the Ousama Sentai King-Ohger TV series, this series portrays the TV show "Moffun to Issho", a popular anime within the world of the King-Ohger TV series. These shorts were originally released on the Toei Tokusatsu Fanclub (TTFC) app.

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Type: ONA

Genre: Comedy

Ranked: Not ranked yet

Popularity: 20106

Score: 0.00

Age: +16

Released: 2023

Episodes: 4

Status: Ongoing

Other name: もっふんといっしょ Me and Moffun Me & Moffun

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