anime Meiji Tokyo Renka

Meiji Tokyo Renka

Plot Summary: On the night of a crimson full moon, high school girl Ayazuki Mei enters into a box. When she awakens, she's in Tokyo during the Meiji Period! The lost and confused Mei is taken to the Rokumeikan, a lavish ballroom full of powerful high officials. In this world, during the "Misty Hour" between sundown and sunup, "mononoke" appear. Those who can see them are called "Tamayori," and Mei herself possesses this power. As she navigates an unfamiliar life, romance begins to bloom between Mei and these men -- and the power of the tamayori will only strengthen their bonds. (Source: Crunchyroll)

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Type: Winter 2019 Anime

Genre: Fantasy, Historical, Romance, Shoujo

Ranked: 3863

Popularity: 3246

Score: 7.19

Age: Teens 13 or older

Released: 2019

Episodes: 12

Status: Completed

Other name: 明治東亰恋伽

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