Maria Holic Alive (Dub)
Plot Summary: Miyamae Kanako, a high school girl, who is allergic to boys, enrolls in an all-girls school, hoping to find a female romantic partner. However, her ideal candidate, Shidou Mariya, turns out to be a mischievous cross-dressing boy, who together with his sarcastic maid Shinouji Matsurika, give Kanako really difficult times. Time passes and Kanako still fantasizes about her ideal female romantic partner(s), to no avail, alas. Living in the same room at the dormitory Mariya and his outspoken maid keep on challenging Kanako's sense of reality on a daily basis. (Source: AniDB)
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Type: TV Series
Genre: Comedy, Parody, School, Shoujo Ai
Ranked: 5620
Popularity: 2305
Score: 6.92
Age: Teens 13 or older
Released: 2011
Episodes: 12
Status: Completed
Other name: Maria†Holic Alive (Dub), Maria+Holic 2 (Dub), Maria Holic 2 (Dub), MariaHolic 2 (Dub)