Marginal Prince
Plot Summary: "Marginal Prince" based off of the hit love simulation game series for girls! Yuta studies abroad in a tiny, far away island in the pacific ocean name Alphonso where he enters the all-dorm, all-male Alphonso Gakuen. However, the school is really a place for the children of the famous . . . and the school specializes in classes on empires and alchemy! And one day, after studying enough at the school, the students become known as "Marginal Princes"! Learn about the stories of fate and trial as each of the students studies to become kings! (Source: Crunchyroll)
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Type: TV Series
Genre: Romance, School, Shounen Ai
Ranked: 11340
Popularity: 5538
Score: 5.82
Age: Teens 13 or older
Released: 2006
Episodes: 13
Status: Completed
Other name: Marginal Prince: Gekkeiju no Ouji-tachi, マージナルプリンス -月桂樹の王子達-