Lupin III vs. Cat's Eye (Dub)
Plot Summary: Hitomi, Rui, and Ai are sisters and cat burglars. They steal a painting from a museum around the same time Lupin the 3rd appears to steal another painting himself. Both paintings are part of Michael Heinz’s series titled the Girl and the Flowers. To the girls, the paintings are clues to their missing father's whereabouts. When they learn Lupin is after the same target, a fire lights inside them. (Source: Amazon Prime Video)
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Type: ONA
Genre: Action, Adult Cast, Adventure, Comedy, Dub, Mystery, Seinen
Ranked: 3515
Popularity: 11011
Score: 7.26
Age: 13 teens or older
Released: 2023
Episodes: 1
Status: Completed
Other name: Lupin the 3rd vs Cat's Eye, ルパン三世 VS キャッツ・アイ