anime Long Shidai

Long Shidai

Plot Summary: Due to various events, Yuuta and Rikka are living together. This secret co-habitation is so exciting for the two lovebirds! Or so it should be... Is having a chuuni girlfriend too high of a hurdle for Yuuta, who never even went out with a normal girl?! Yuuta worries about how to advance his relationship with Rikka. And then everyone else, Nibutani, Kumin, and Dekomori, have powered up by advancing a grade. Furthermore, the cause of his chuunibyou outburst in middle school, the girl who calls herself Sophia Ring Saturn the 7th, Satone Shichimiya appears... This is the long-awaited second season of the adolescent romantic comedy revolving around chuunibyou that makes you laugh and cry. (Source: Animax)

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Type: ONA

Genre: Action, Fantasy, Reincarnation

Ranked: 2309

Popularity: 276

Score: 7.49

Age: Teens 13 or older

Released: 2023

Episodes: 10

Status: Ongoing

Other name: X Epoch of Dragon, 龙时代, Epoch of Dragon

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