anime Kizumonogatari II: Nekketsu-hen

Kizumonogatari II: Nekketsu-hen

Plot Summary: In the spring of his second year of high school, Koyomi Araragi met the beautiful vampire Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade. Koyomi saved Kiss-shot, who was on the verge of death with all four of her limbs cut off, but only at the expense of becoming her minion and a vampire. "In order to go back to being a human again, you must take back all of Kiss-shot's limbs." After receiving advice from Meme Oshino, an expert in the supernatural, Koyomi prepares to go into battle. Awaiting him are three powerful vampire hunters—Dramaturgy, a giant vampire hunter who is a vampire himself. Episode, a half-vampire who wields an enormous cross, and Guillotinecutter, a quiet man who specializes in killing vampires. Will Koyomi be able to take back Kiss-shot's limbs from the vampire hunters? Amidst the soft spring rain, the curtain rises on this fateful blood bath… (Source: Aniplex USA)

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Type: Movie

Genre: Action, Mystery, Supernatural, Vampire

Ranked: 311

Popularity: 441

Score: 8.19

Age: Violence, Profanity

Released: 2016

Episodes: 1

Status: Completed

Other name: Kizumonogatari Part 2: Nekketsu, Koyomi Vamp, Kizumonogatari Part 2, 傷物語〈Ⅱ熱血篇〉

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