anime Keroro Gunsou Mushakero Ohirome Sengoku Ranstar Dai Battle

Keroro Gunsou Mushakero Ohirome Sengoku Ranstar Dai Battle

Plot Summary: This was the 14-minute movie that was screened in theaters with Keroro Gunsou Movie 3. It became the prequel to the Mushakero in season 5 of the main Keroro Gunsou anime series. It takes place in Ranstar where the Keroro platoon are up against the Vipers. The whole setting of Ranstar is based on the Sengoku Era of Japan, and all characters are dressed in that fashion.

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Type: Special

Genre: Action, Comedy, Mecha, Parody, Samurai, Shounen

Ranked: Not ranked yet

Popularity: 12497

Score: 0.00

Age: Children

Released: 2008

Episodes: 1

Status: Completed

Other name: 武者ケロ お披露目!戦国ラン星大バトル!!

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