anime Jin Can Wangshi

Jin Can Wangshi

Plot Summary: Adapted from the phenomenal suspense and strange story novel "Miaojiang Gu Shi" by Namo Jiasha. Lu Zuo, an ordinary young man who originally worked in a shop in Dongguan, accidentally obtained the powerful power of the golden silkworm from his grandmother when he returned to his hometown to visit his relatives. However, conspiracies and struggles surrounding the golden silkworm came one after another. How should Lu Zuo, who was involved in the disputes, deal with it? (Source: Youku, translated)

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Type: ONA

Genre: Mystery, Supernatural

Ranked: Not ranked yet

Popularity: 21817

Score: 0.00

Age: 13 teens or older

Released: 2024

Episodes: 16

Status: Ongoing

Other name: The Golden Wug, 金蚕往事

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