anime Invincible Villain

Invincible Villain

Plot Summary: Space Gundam V was presented as a Super Robot with quasi-mystical powers that battled a villainous entity on every episode. Much like the Super Robot shows Invincible Super Man Zambot 3 and Trider G7, the robot was piloted by a pre-teen boy. Notable villains included a giant rat and a winged devil. (Source: MAL)

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Type: ONA

Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen

Ranked: Not ranked yet

Popularity: 15102

Score: 0.00


Released: 2023

Episodes: 6

Status: Ongoing

Other name: We Villains Don't Wanna Be Stepping Stones, 我们反派才不想当踏脚石, Ten Thousand Ways Demon Sect , 万道魔宗, Wandao Mozong

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