Initial D Fourth Stage (Dub)
Plot Summary: Takumi Fujiwara and brothers Keisuke and Ryousuke Takahashi have formed "Project D," a racing team aimed at bringing their driving skills to their full potential outside their prefecture. Using the internet, Project D issues challenges to other racing teams and posts results of their races. Managed by Ryousuke, the team has Takumi engaging in downhill battles with his AE86, while Keisuke challenges opponents uphill. Among their rivals are the Seven-Star Leaf (SSR) and Todo-juku.
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Type: TV Series
Genre: Action, Cars, Drama, Seinen, Sports
Ranked: 728
Popularity: 1420
Score: 8.01
Age: Teens 13 or older
Released: 2004
Episodes: 24
Status: Completed
Other name: 頭文字〈イニシャル〉D FOURTH STAGE