anime I Am the King

I Am the King

Plot Summary: Mr. Matsuzawa is a novelist who lives in Chiba Prefecture. Only his daughter Kazuko knows that the family dog, Don Matsugorou, can talk. Don is wounded in a fight with the neighbors' dog, King, a nouveau-riche mongrel with ideas above his station. At the vet, however, he falls in love with a little patchwork puppy called Chotaro. (Source: The Anime Encyclopedia)

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Type: ONA

Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Isekai

Ranked: Not ranked yet

Popularity: 16519

Score: 0.00

Age: All Ages

Released: 2023

Episodes: 60

Status: Ongoing

Other name: I Am the King Who Will Defeat All of the World, Đánh Bại Chư Thiên, ข้าคือราชาผู้ที่จะสยบโลกานับหมื่น แปลไทย ตอนที่, 打爆诸天, 映画に転生していいですか?, Dominate All Realms

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