Hana to Alice: Satsujin Jiken
Plot Summary: Tetsuko "Alice" Arisugawa, a transfer student to Ishinomori Middle School, hears a strange rumor that one year ago, "Judas was killed by four other Judas" in Class 1. While investigating, Alice discovers that the only person who may know the truth, Alice's classmate Hana, lives next door to her in the "Flower House" that everyone is scared of... Eager to know more about the Judas murder, Alice sneaks into the Flower House to ask the reclusive Hana for more information about the Judas murder and why she's a recluse. The chance meeting of Hana and Alice sets them off on an adventure to solve the mystery of the "smallest murder in the world." (Source: Anime Limited)
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Type: Movie
Genre: Drama
Ranked: 3553
Popularity: 2980
Score: 7.25
Age: Teens 13 or older
Released: 2015
Episodes: 1
Status: Completed
Other name: The Case of Hana & Alice, 花とアリス 殺人事件