Grimm Kumikyoku (Dub)
Plot Summary: Once upon a time, brothers Jacob and Wilhelm collected fairy tales from across the land and made them into a book. They also had a much younger sister, the innocent and curious Charlotte, who they loved very much. One day, while the brothers were telling Charlotte a fairy tale like usual, they saw that she had a somewhat melancholy look on her face. She asked them, "Do you suppose they really lived happily ever after?" The pages of Grimm's Fairy Tales, written by Jacob and Wilhelm, are now presented from the unique perspective of Charlotte, who sees the stories quite differently from her brothers. (Source: Netflix, edited)
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Type: ONA
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Suspense
Ranked: 3333
Popularity: 6977
Score: 7.29
Age: 17+ (violence & profanity)
Released: 2024
Episodes: 6
Status: Completed
Other name: The Grimm Variations, グリム組曲