anime Godzilla Singular Point (Dub)

Godzilla Singular Point (Dub)

Plot Summary: This series features an original story, which depicts the young geniuses Mei Kamino, a female researcher, and Yun Arikawa, a male engineer, as they take on an unprecedented threat with their companions. When danger comes up from the depths, only young geniuses Mei, Yun, and their team can face the threat in Godzilla Singular Point! (Source: Netflix) Each episode was released one week in advance of the TV broadcast beginning on March 25, 2021. Regular TV broadcast began on April 1, 2021.

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Type: Spring 2021 Anime

Genre: Action, Mecha, Mystery, Sci-Fi

Ranked: 6684

Popularity: 3733

Score: 6.76

Age: Teens 13 or older

Released: 2021

Episodes: 13

Status: Completed

Other name: Godzilla: S.P, ゴジラ S.P <シンギュラポイント>

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