Fruits Basket (2019) (Dub)
Plot Summary: High school student Tohru Honda begins living alone in a tent after she loses her mother, who was her only remaining family member. However, it turns out that the land she pitches her tent on is part of the distinguished Sohma family estate! When Shigure Sohma sees the value of her housekeeping skills, Tohru ends up living with Yuki Sohma, who is essentially the prince of her school, and Kyo Sohma, who regards Yuki as the enemy. Still, there’s something Tohru doesn’t know yet: the Sohma family has been bound for centuries by a horrible curse… (Source: Funimation)
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Type: Spring 2019 Anime
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo, Slice of Life
Ranked: 310
Popularity: 236
Score: 8.19
Age: Teens 13 or older
Released: 2019
Episodes: 25
Status: Completed
Other name: フルーツバスケット