anime Fanpai Chushihua

Fanpai Chushihua

Plot Summary: The super villain Ling Chen (alias Penrose) accidentally traveled back to 2030 during a fierce battle with his arch-enemy superhero Ye Mu. At this time, he was not the feared Penrose, but an ordinary high school student Ling Chen. Before unfortunate events could happen again, Ling Chen decided to do his best to protect the people around him and prevent the tragedy from happening again! (Source: bilibili)

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Type: ONA

Genre: Action, School, Sci-Fi, Super Power

Ranked: Not ranked yet

Popularity: 19755

Score: 0.00

Age: 13 teens or older

Released: 2024

Episodes: 16

Status: Ongoing

Other name: 反派初始化, Villain Initialization

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