Enmusubi no Youko-chan
Plot Summary: In a world where Spirits and Humans coexist and can fall in love with each other, many Spirits see their human loved ones die before them due to the Spirits' much longer life expectancy. Even when that human is reborn, the previous memories of their past life are erased. However, it is said among Spirits that a certain "service" is spreading. This "service" is provided by the "Fox Spirit Matchmakers" who can revive the lost memories of their former lover. When a Spirit loses their lover, they can purchase the service of the Fox Spirit Matchmakers to attempt to restore their former lover's memories, and continue their love story together. This story follows a young Fox Spirit Matchmaker who tries her best to restore lost memories and spread love. (Source: Crunchyroll)
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Type: Summer 2017 Anime
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural
Ranked: 3908
Popularity: 5867
Score: 7.19
Age: Teens 13 or older
Released: 2017
Episodes: 24
Status: Completed
Other name: Fox Spirit Matchmaker, Huyao Xiao Hongniang