anime Emperor Son-in-Law

Emperor Son-in-Law

Plot Summary: Born from a much loved, but lowly ranked concubine, Genji Hikaru is called the Shining Prince and is the beloved second son of the Emperor. Although he cannot be an heir to the throne of his father, Genji spends his life surrounded by every pleasure and love. And yet, his one longing in love is something that even the power of an Emperor can never give him. (Source: ANN)

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Type: CM

Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Harem, Martial Arts, Romance, Shounen

Ranked: 5429

Popularity: 5101

Score: 6.94

Age: Mild Nudity

Released: 2024

Episodes: 3

Status: Ongoing

Other name: Emperor-in-Law, Dì Xu, Emperor Son-in-Law, Son-in-Law of the Emperor, 帝婿

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