Eightman (Dub)
Plot Summary: A private investigator working a routine case involving stolen technology is mortally wounded. His only hope for survival comes from sacrificing his humanity to become 8Man—a powerful cyborg crime-fighter enhanced with a living human brain. Resurrected as the ultimate high-tech vigilante, it is up to 8Man to bring the lawless to justice and put an end to the escalating cycle of violence. A classic animated thriller that will leave you breathless. (Source: AnimeNfo)
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Type: TV Series
Genre: Action, Drama, Mecha, Sci-Fi
Ranked: 5153
Popularity: 11243
Score: 0.00
Age: Teens 13 or older
Released: 1963
Episodes: 40
Status: Completed
Other name: Eight Man, Eitoman, 8man, Tobor the Eighth Man, エイトマン