anime Earthian (Dub)

Earthian (Dub)

Plot Summary: Angels from the planet Eden have been watching Earthians, the inhabitants of Earth, for 5 billion years. Chihaya, an angel with unlucky black hair and wings, is a plus checker who travels to Earth with Kagetsuya, a minus checker. Each team of plus and minus checkers keep track of Earth events and, if the score ever reaches minus 10,000, the Earth will be destroyed. The story follows Chihaya and Kagetsuya and the different people and events they observe on Earth. (Source: ANN)

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Type: OVA

Genre: Drama, Shoujo, Shounen Ai

Ranked: 10676

Popularity: 6794

Score: 6.07

Age: Teens 13 or older

Released: 1989

Episodes: 4

Status: Completed

Other name: Earthian, アーシアン

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