anime Doraemon Movie 42: Nobita to Sora no Utopia

Doraemon Movie 42: Nobita to Sora no Utopia

Plot Summary: One day Nobita found a small sapling behind the hill but his mom won't allow him to plant it in the backyard. Using Doraemon's special tool, they made the tree alive so it could move around freely. Nobita name it Ki-bō and the two became like brothers. From there, a new adventure awaits...

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Type: Movie

Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi

Ranked: 2816

Popularity: 6521

Score: 7.38

Age: Children

Released: 2023

Episodes: 1

Status: Completed

Other name: 映画ドラえもん のび太と空の理想郷

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