anime Disciples Say I’m Invincible

Disciples Say I’m Invincible

Plot Summary: At the beginning of the Edo Era, when people enjoyed a time of peace, Lord Tokugawa Tadanaga holds a fighting tournament. In the past, matches were fought with wooden swords. This time, real swords will be used. One-armed Fujiki Gennosuke and blind Irako Seigen will fight each other in this match. Both are disciples of Iwamoto Kogan, who is known as Japan's greatest swordsman. Each of them are determined to prove himself the successor of Iwamoto's school. However, there can only be one champion. So begins a story of intertwining fates, conflict, and strange destinies. (Source: ANN)

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Type: ONA

Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, Thriller

Ranked: 4397

Popularity: 1512

Score: 7.10

Age: Mild Nudity

Released: 2023

Episodes: 56

Status: Ongoing

Other name: 弟子都说我无敌 动态漫画,Disciples Say I'm Invincible Dynamic Comics,The Book of Destiny, 弟子都说我无敌

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