anime Devilish Girlfriend

Devilish Girlfriend

Plot Summary: The second season of Kanojo, Okarishimasu. A hopeless college student, Kinoshita Kazuya, meets a graceful rental girlfriend, Mizuhara Chizuru, and ends up introducing her as his girlfriend to his family and friends. Time goes on with Kazuya unable to tell the truth, as he's surrounded by devilish ex-girlfriend Nanami Mami, who keeps coming back to tempt him for some reason, hyper-aggressive provisional girlfriend Sarashina Ruka, who doesn't know how to take no for an answer, and super shy but diligent and hardworking younger rental girlfriend, Sakurasawa Sumi… beautiful girlfriends of all types! The pub, the beach, hot springs, Christmas, and New Year’s… Having gone through these challenging events, Kazuya's feelings for Chizuru keep growing stronger. But she reveals a shocking truth that threatens to shake their "relationship" to the very core! (Source: Crunchyroll)

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Type: ONA

Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Harem, Martial Arts, Shounen

Ranked: 4873

Popularity: 1521

Score: 7.03

Age: Teens 13 or older

Released: 2023

Episodes: 1

Status: Ongoing

Other name: Kai Ju Qiang Wen Lie Kou Nv, Awakening SSS-Rank Skill After A Kiss, Devilish Girlfriend, Kāi Jú Qiáng Wěn Liè Kǒu Nǚ, The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl, ワケあり救世主の異世界ライフ, 开局强吻裂口女, Kiss the gaping girl at the beginning

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