Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai
Plot Summary: Shiomi Academy, an elite high school, boasts a student body of 50,000 and is home to the Shiomi Daitoshokan (Great Library). It also has a famous urban legend: a mysterious figure called "The Shepherd," who appears before hard working students to grant them a wish. Kyotarou Kakei is a second year of Shiomi Academy, and loves to read more than anything else. Other than when he's in class, his nose is pretty much always in a book in the Daitoshokan. His dream is to spread his love of reading through the Library Club. One morning Kyotarou gets a strange email from 'The Shepherd' which tells him that something is going to happen to him which will change his fate. This triggers a sense of foreboding within him that causes him to rush back to the train platform and save another student, Tsugumi Shirasaki, from getting killed by a derailment. After a string of misunderstandings though, Kyotarou finds himself with three new members joining his library club while also becoming involved with Tsugumi's "Happy Project." The questions remain though; what is Tsugumi's "Happy Project"? Who is this mysterious Shepherd who keeps sending them emails? The school year is about to get a whole lot more interesting for Kyotarou and his new friends.
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Type: Fall 2014 Anime
Genre: Romance, School
Ranked: 6837
Popularity: 1535
Score: 6.73
Age: Teens 13 or older
Released: 2014
Episodes: 12
Status: Completed
Other name: A Good Librarian Like a Good Shepherd, 大図書館の羊飼い