Collar x Malice Movie: Deep Cover
Plot Summary: A dangerous shadow organization launches a campaign of fear and violence in the city of Shinjuku, pushing society to the brink of chaos. As a young police officer tasked with restoring order, you become the target of an attack, and have a poisonous collar attached to your neck. With the situation spiraling out of control and time running out, five mysterious strangers appear to aid you in your quest for the truth. Who can you trust? Will you be able to save yourself and the soul of Shinjuku from the clutches of oblivion? (Source: Aksys Games)
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Type: Movie
Genre: Mystery, Romance, Suspense
Ranked: Not ranked yet
Popularity: 8258
Score: 0.00
Age: Teens 13 or Older
Released: 2023
Episodes: 0
Status: Ongoing
Other name: 劇場版 Collar×Malice -deep cover-