anime Buddy Daddies (Dub)

Buddy Daddies (Dub)

Plot Summary: Assassins Kazuki Kurusu and Rei Suwa meet Miri, a girl looking for her father on Christmas Day. Kazuki, Rei, and Miri unexpectedly end up living together. Follows Kazuki Kurusu, a criminal contractor/coordinator who lives with his best friend, Rei Suwa, a professional assassin who has been raised from childhood to be a contract killer. Kazuki is outgoing and loves gambling and women, while Rei is a man of few words who spends his off time playing video games. One day, the two buddies end up caring for Miri Unasaka, a four year old girl whose father is a mafia boss, after Miri accidentally wanders into a firefight in a hotel while looking for her father.

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Type: Winter 2023 Anime

Genre: Childcare, Comedy, Dub, Organized Crime

Ranked: 507

Popularity: 2255

Score: 8.12

Age: +16

Released: 2023

Episodes: 12

Status: Completed

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