anime Boushoku no Berserk (Dub)

Boushoku no Berserk (Dub)

Plot Summary: Fate Barbatos has never tasted real power. Born with the magical skill Gluttony, he constantly hungers in a way that can’t be satiated, and has been shunned and looked down upon his entire life. One day, while working as a gatekeeper for a noble family and fighting a trespassing thief, he discovers Gluttony’s true power: when he kills someone, he devours their skills and feeds his gnawing hunger at last. In that grisly realization, Fate is awakened to his true potential. How many lives will he feed on to satisfy this hunger, and is the world ready for the frightening warrior he’ll become? (Source: Seven Seas Entertainment)

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Type: TV Series

Genre: Action, Fantasy

Ranked: 5651

Popularity: 3592

Score: 6.91

Age: Teens 13 or Older

Released: 2023

Episodes: 8

Status: Ongoing

Other name: Berserk of Gluttony, 暴食のベルセルク

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