anime Bokura no Yoake

Bokura no Yoake

Plot Summary: In 2038, Sawatari Yuuma is an elementary school kid who loves everything about space and astronomy. He was initially excited when his parents bought a robot called Nanako, but he was disappointed when he learned that she was basically just a boring housekeeping robot. However, when he does finally try to talk to her about space, something strange happens. Her system crashes and is taken over by what claims to be a marooned alien ship! The alien ship wants Yuuma's help to get back to space!

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Type: Movie

Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi

Ranked: Not ranked yet

Popularity: 9703

Score: 0.00

Age: Teens 13 or Older

Released: 2022

Episodes: 0

Status: Ongoing

Other name: Break of Dawn, ぼくらのよあけ

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