anime Battle Spirits: Kakumei no Galette

Battle Spirits: Kakumei no Galette

Plot Summary: Centuries have passed after the events of Saga Brave and Dan Bashin's miraculous return, harmony is restored once again between humans and mazoku for their path of coexistence. But one day, a third race called the Mauve (モーブ) appeared, born with purple blood in their veins. This different-colored race struck fear and doubt into the hearts of both humans and mazoku. Are they the gospel to disaster? "What are the Mavue?" One youth ponders. His search for the answer sparks the prequel of world revolution once again. Battle Spirits: Galette's Revolution (バトルスピリッツ 赫かく盟めいのガレット, Batorusupirittsu: Kakumei no Garetto) is an anime inspired by Bandai's Battle Spirits trading card game and produced by Sunrise and Bandai Namco Pictures. It is a sequel and the fourth installment of the Dan Bashin Saga following Battle Spirits: Shounen Gekiha Dan, Battle Spirits: Brave, and Battle Spirits: Saga Brave.

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Type: ONA

Genre: Adventure, Demons, Game, Military, Sci-Fi

Ranked: Not ranked yet

Popularity: 13927

Score: 0.00

Age: Children

Released: 2020

Episodes: 5

Status: Completed

Other name: バトルスピリッツ 赫盟のガレット

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